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Arthroscopic Surgery


Arthroscopic surgery is not new. It already has a history. Invented as an invasive diagnostic method, arthroscopic surgery grew up to be a very important technique used by most orthopedic physicians. As everything it is not a panacea but a powerful tool in treatment of joint diseases with its advantages and disadvantages. Arthroscopic surgery is performed by an arthroscopic team in an operating room.

The main instrument in arthroscopic surgery is the arthroscope. It is a complicated optical system assembled in a metal tube. The diameter of the tube is usually 4 mm.

The video image of the joint received by the optic system is transferred by the fibrooptic cable and viewed on the TV monitor. This image can be recorded on a video tape. Pictures of different stages of the operation can be printed as well. Small skin incisions are used to introduce the arthroscop in the joint. They are called arthroscopic portals. The picture shows arthroscopic portals used in the knee joint arthroscopy.

One of the advantages of the arthroscopy is the opportunity to view an enlarged image on the TV screen. It gives information for comprehensive diagnosis and allows more precise surgery.

The information provided here is not meant to take the place of the complete exam by a physician. If you have an injury we strongly encourage you to get adequate medical care

